Michael Goldman's Valuation Cases
Many assumptions are inherent in the preparation of a business valuation.
These assumptions typically vary with both the purpose of the valuation and
the specific company being valued. The value derived must be well
thought-out and supportable based upon the facts and circumstances of the
case. Michael Goldman understands these nuances and has prepared
valuations for purposes of solvency analysis,
divorce or shareholder dissolution, tax,
financing or investment, and litigation.
Divorce Cases
- A $1.8 million electrical contractor
- A $2 million mortgage broker
- A $400,000 HVAC Contractor
- A $5 million apparel manufacturer
- A bio-tech start-up
- A $400,000 pet grooming business
- A $12 million professional practice
- A $1 million liquor store
- An excavation contractor
- A kosher kitchen restaurant / caterer
- Residential apartment buildings
- An architecture practice
- A daycare center
- A $2 million electrical contractor
- A $1 million sign shop
- A gourmet niche restaurant
Shareholder or Partner Disputes
- A high-tech start-up
- A $30 million printing company
- A well-known Chicago baking company
- A $4 million recycling / manufacturing company
- A $2 million project management company
- A $450,000 advertising agency
- A $13 million distributor
- A $1.5 million beauty salon
- A $4 million service company
- A $10 million food manufacturer
A $2 million paper recycling firm
- A $2 million on-line auction company
A $12 million distributor of ski and snow sports products
Estate and Gift Tax
- A Family Limited Partnership owning real estate
- A $10 million lumber yard
- A $5 million aero space parts manufacturer
- A $40 million metals manufacturer
- A real estate holding company
- A property management company
Other Litigation Cases
- Litigation concerning the value of a law firm in a legal malpractice
- Litigation concerning the value of goodwill and lost profits related
to a personal injury law firm
- Lost profits litigation concerning a restaurant and landlord
- Lost profits litigation concerning breach of duties by a franchisor
- A $3 million home and garden retailer being seized by the IRS
- Damages in a hotel management case
Solvency and Fraudulent Conveyance Related Valuations:
- Liquidation analysis of a $100 million regional retailer
- Solvency analysis, including valuation of personal and professional
goodwill, for a national chain of fertility clinics
- Solvency analysis for a $6 million retail chain over a three-year
period for prosecution of insider fraudulent conveyance
- Solvency analysis for a $45 million manufacturer over a four-year
period for prosecution of insider fraudulent conveyance
- Assistance on the inventory appraisal of a $1.4 billion
manufacturing company for refinancing
- Assistance on the inventory appraisal of a $1.5 billion retail
company for refinancing
- Valuation of a $55 million technology company for restructuring
Consulting Projects for Investment Managers:
- A $7.8 billion global manufacturer and distributor of consumer
branded products
- A $1.4 billion manufacturer of recreations vehicles
- A $1 billion manufacturer and retailer of home furnishings
- A $13.5 billion retailer of office products
- A $9 billion global operator and franchiser of quick service
- A $1.5 billion retailer of musical instruments
Valuations for Other Purposes:
- Assistance to business owners in the buy / sell decision making
- Assistance with the due diligence process during the acquisition of
three multi-million dollar businesses in the wholesale and printing
- Assisting the potential buyer of a $17 million retail company in
evaluating the valuation report of another professional
- Valuation of a customer list of a printing company for financial
reporting purposes
- Valuation of a note payable from a construction company